Come Good Rain

come good rain

by George Seremba // Theatre // 5th of August 2022, 1pm // in English language

Abducted, tortured, and eventually left for dead in Uganda's notorious Namanve forest, George Seremba's autobiographical account of his experiences in Come Good Rain is a montage of dramatic forces that work together to produce a simple, stunning, poetic tale of one young man's survival against all odds.

Set in Uganda during the turbulent and murderous regimes of Milton Obote as well as Idi Amin, Come Good Rain, chronicles George Seremba's life as a young man growing up and witnessing the reckless abandon with which the "Pearl of Africa" becomes its own festering curse. While pursuing studies in literature and drama he becomes swept up in the polarized tide of power struggles, living with constant fear for his companions, contemporaries, and most of all, his family. Combining African mythology, history and dynamic narrative; this play emerges finally as a celebration of the indefatigable nature of the human spirit.

On 5th of august 2022, 1 pm, budde-haus, main stage

Follow-up talk: 5th August 2022, 6 pm (FREE)


prices: 12 euro / 9 Euro / 6 euro

George Serembas autobiographisches Monodrama erzählt von seinem Aufwachsen im Uganda der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, zur Zeit Milton Obotes und des berüchtigten Idi Amin. Als junger Student setzt sich Seremba für ein demokratisches Uganda ein und gerät damit in Opposition zu Obotes Herrschaft. Es kommt zu einer Begegnung, die er nur dank des Regens überlebt.

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